Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Examples of Introductions

1.    Which country’s criminal justice system is more effective?/ Most people agree justice needs to be done

2.    The criminal justice system in my country functions in a variety of ways.

3.    This essay will focus on how the system deal withs young criminals, non-violent and violent crimes, and serious offences which may result in death.

1.    Scientists during the 1990s came up with a novel idea of the evolution of the universe

2.    Although the Big Bang Theory is widely accepted, it will probably never be proved, and it therefore leaves a number of difficult and unanswered questions

3.    This essay will discuss whether powerful beings made the universe and if so who made the powerful beings.

1.    Most people agree that climate change has led to devastation near coastal and low lying areas

2.    The key to coping with the rise in sea levels is education on its Effects and the accurate forecasting of its Hazards (Dangers)

3.    This essay will talk about flooding and loss of homes and land.

Write the first three sentences of your essay on traffic congestion
 use these phrases…discuss, focus on, talk about, explain how and why….

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