Novel title:
Novel type:
[Google the key words genre list to find out what kind of novel it is]
Narrator (full name):
Main characters:
[Give their name and relationship to Christopher Boone]
[Say what story is about in 3-5 sentences]
[Where and when does the story take place?]
Main body
Main character descriptions:
[Describe each of the main characters. Say generally what they do in the story and what they are like. Then give your opinion about them and say why you feel like that]
[Say what you think of the story and why. For example, do you think it’s interesting?]
[How is the story told? Here are some questions to help you:
· Who tells the story?
· Why did the author choose this person to tell the story?
· How does this person tell the story?
· What does this show us about the kind of person they are?]
[A theme is an idea running through a story, e.g. love or revenge.
Identify two themes in this story and say why you think they are themes]
Your opinion:
[Say what you thought about the novel. Think about:
· Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?
· Is it interesting? Why or why not?
· How is it different from other novels you have read?
· What did you learn from reading it?]
[Would you recommend the novel to friends? Say why or why not]
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