Monday, September 3, 2012

Ideas for Structure and content of review


Novel title:
Novel type:
[Google the key words genre list to find out what kind of novel it is]
Narrator (full name):
Main characters:
[Give their name and relationship to Christopher Boone]

[Say what story is about in 3-5 sentences]

[Where and when does the story take place?]

Main body

Main character descriptions:
[Describe each of the main characters. Say generally what they do in the story and what they are like. Then give your opinion about them and say why you feel like that]

[Say what you think of the story and why. For example, do you think it’s interesting?]

[How is the story told? Here are some questions to help you:

·         Who tells the story?
·         Why did the author choose this person to tell the story?
·         How does this person tell the story?
·        What does this show us about the kind of person they are?]

[A theme is an idea running through a story, e.g. love or revenge.
Identify two themes in this story and say why you think they are themes]


Your opinion:
[Say what you thought about the novel. Think about:

·         Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?
·         Is it interesting? Why or why not?
·         How is it different from other novels you have read?
·        What did you learn from reading it?]

[Would you recommend the novel to friends? Say why or why not]

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Film Review of Invansions (Alien film)


Invasions is about an alien who risks going to Earth.  He experiences a lot of human life, such as driving a plane, hitch hiking, he even goes down into a toilet.  There he finds secret control centre, where he controls plants.  He makes a crop circle to show his love to his girlfriend.
It is a romantic science fiction cartoon.  The director wants to explain crop circles. It is light and mysterious.
It was made in 2008/09.  It is set in present day America.  It is in the desert, but in the mountains.  Directed by Clement Morin.  There is one main character, the blue boy alien and his girlfriend who is pink.  It is for everybody from adults to children.
We liked the film because the film did not have dialogue and we could imagine the language, and what the main character is thinking. We specifically liked the part when he got into his control centre, but did not like when he went into the toilet.
The director did a good job because he shows us the true love between aliens.  We would have liked it if the film had some words.  But generally it was fun.

Book Review

What questions

What are you reviewing? What is it about? What's the plot?

What's the theme?

What is the author's/director's purpose?

What genre or classification does it fit?

What is the tone? What is the point of view? What's the mood?


When and Where questions

When was this done? Or when does the action take place?

Where was this done? Or where does the action take place?
Who questions

Who wrote it, directed it, or acted in it? What else have they done?

Who are the main characters?

Who's the intended audience?

Who has said what about this? Why?

How questions

How does it convey its main point, mood, or theme? How did the audience react to it?

How well does it fulfill its purpose?
Evaluation questions

Did I like this in general? Why?

Did I agree with the main theme/purpose? Why or why not?

What specifically did I like/dislike? Why?

Did the author/actors/director do a good job? Why or why not?

How could it be improved? Why would particular changes help?
After you have answered these questions, begin selecting and organizing the information that you'll include in your paper