Thursday, August 30, 2012

Book Review

What questions

What are you reviewing? What is it about? What's the plot?

What's the theme?

What is the author's/director's purpose?

What genre or classification does it fit?

What is the tone? What is the point of view? What's the mood?


When and Where questions

When was this done? Or when does the action take place?

Where was this done? Or where does the action take place?
Who questions

Who wrote it, directed it, or acted in it? What else have they done?

Who are the main characters?

Who's the intended audience?

Who has said what about this? Why?

How questions

How does it convey its main point, mood, or theme? How did the audience react to it?

How well does it fulfill its purpose?
Evaluation questions

Did I like this in general? Why?

Did I agree with the main theme/purpose? Why or why not?

What specifically did I like/dislike? Why?

Did the author/actors/director do a good job? Why or why not?

How could it be improved? Why would particular changes help?
After you have answered these questions, begin selecting and organizing the information that you'll include in your paper

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