Next year, the population of people living in the city could exceed the population of the country for the first time in history (China Daily, 2010). Why do a lot of people who live in countries want go to cities? Maybe they expect to obtain better life. However is it a correct choice? Where is the best place to live for people? For several reasons the city could be a healthier place to live. This essay will focus on which is place healthier to live in the city or the country. It is divided into three parts to explain, first it will look at this in terms of physical health, second about psychological health and third financial health.
Some people want to live in the country, because the country’s nature is better than city. Scientists recognized that when people live in someplace which is surrounded by a forest it is good for their health. They can get a relaxing feeling from the trees and the green colours, as well as listening to birds and other natural sounds (Bonner, 2010).
Nevertheless, there are also health problems in the countryside. Most people do not have many things to do. After lunch they just sit and talk. Therefore, many people from the countryside are fat (Lui Qing, 2011)
Specifically, recent studies prove that heart issues and complications are directly related to living in a congested city with the stress and pollution. In the country, there are no health risks that can greatly affect and harm your heart. In the city, it's dangerous, crowded, stressful, polluted, crime rates are higher, there's food everywhere you turn and car traffic. In the country you can find peace, quiet, soothing environments, less pollution, smaller communities that build better relationships with one another.(……..)COPIED
In Mexico City, “12,903 people had been killed in violence blamed on organized crime from January to September 2011”(BBC News, 2012). These numbers make it clear that living in a city is very dangerous, particularly in some large urban areas.
Not only people in cities can be dangerous, but just drinking water or breathing can harm us. There is much pollution in the city, such as air pollution and water pollution. It can cause damage to our health among other problem. In can invade the body on anyone because some dirty air and water could absorbed by people through breathing and drinking.
In a large city there are a large number of people. Large amounts of people means more houses and buildings to live in and work in are needed. Also in the city farming land is limited therefore does not satisfy all the city inhabitants needs, and furthermore the city is not a quality environment for farming. However there are new types of farms which are using minimal space in urban areas. In addition they are able to sell their produce in the same location where they grow, therefore reducing all transportation costs. So in terms of food transport costs, city farming is cheaper than rural farming, IF YOU CONSIDER THAT ALL FOOD FROM RURAL AREAS NEEDS TO BE transported to cities either by road, rail or ship.
By developing of urban population, the cities can not provide enough food and job opportunities for people in most developing countries. (Sunday, 2009) Therefore, the ‘Home Town Farms’ could resolve those problems, which is a plan for city farming. This plan would solve five problems. The first one is that reduce the cost of food. For example……………….. It means that people would pay less money for their food and get better quality, because there is less damage in transportation. The second one is water saving. This is due to…………... The third is fuel saving and less carbonemissons. As mentioned above………….. (Vertical Organic Urban Farming, 2009)
In addition, Manhattan has a 30 floor high-rise indoor farm, which could provide enough food for 50000 people per day. As a result, the tower could produce enough food and feed everyone in Manhattan. Besides, the tower farm saves a lot of places to plant food which means different foods are planted in different levels, such as strawberry and apples are in some level, but the beans are upstairs (Deweerdt, 2010). "The very best reason for indoor farming is that you save outdoor land for something else," (Despommier as cited Deweerdt, 2010, page ……….)
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